The 27th Most Worshipful Grand Master for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina, Brother Victor Chris Major, 33°, is the son of Honorary Past Grand Master Christopher Major, 33° and Mrs. Sandra Major. He was born in the Bronx, NY and grew up in Mt. Pleasant, SC. He is a graduate of Wando High School and has an Associate Degree in Electrical Engineering from DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta,Georgia. He has been employed by Nucor Steel Corporation for the past 28 years and currently holds the position of Environmental Coordinator.
Brother Major is married to Nichelle Major. They are the proud parents of two; D’Maya Major Adams, and Victor C. Major Jr.
Church plays a major role in the life he lives with his family. He is a very active member of Saint Mathew Baptist Church in North Charleston, SC, where he has served on the Usher Board, Men’s Group, and Security team for over 20 years.
Brother Major has held numerous positions in Masonry:
- Master Mason for 30 years. Past Master, East Cooper Lodge #470
- Past District Senior Warden – First Masonic District
- Past District Lecturer – First Masonic District
- Right Worshipful Grand Junior Warden – 2012 – 2014
- Right Worshipful Grand Senior Warden – 2014 – 2018
- Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master – 2018 – 2021
- Elected on December 14, 2021 as the 27th Most Worshipful Grand Master for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of South Carolina.
Additional Affiliations include:
- Member – East Cooper Chapter #365, Order of the Eastern Star
- Past Commander in Chief, George Washington Carver Consistory #162
- Sovereign Grand Inspector General (Coronated in 2021)
- Robert B. Elliot, Holy Royal Arch Masons
- Johnny Dowley #5 Knights Templar
- Hiram Council #4, Royal & Select Masters
- Past Illustrious Potentate, Arabian Temple #139, Imperial Ambassador
Grand Master Major’s motto ….
“If not him, then who; If not now, then when”